
Rice to the Top

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Can understand why Tour De France cyclists are staying away from gluten these days. A yellow jersey is very unforgiving.

So while you were chowing down on your first of many Independence Day hot dogs this weekend, the Tour de France kicked off in the town of La Barre-de-Monts, France. Over the course of the next three weeks, two-hundred cyclists will ride over two-thousand miles at speeds usually only achieved by motorized vehicles. Ever wonder how these guys manage to spend six hours on the bike every day and still eat enough to even stay conscious, much less competitive? So do we.

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Eating Out Is Hard to Do

Image credit: Lord's Tavern

As Murray took blow after blow on Friday, I had a fair amount of sympathy.
Watching his final set from a bar stool in St John’s Wood, it became apparent we were both in for a humiliating night.

I’d been stood up. And what was worse – it was by an ‘Ex’. Apparently, three years after our break up, his irritating habits would continue to bite me in the arse.

“OMG, I’m soooo sorry, I totally forgot,” he whimpered in genuinely disarming way when I finally got hold of him. Where was that tone of contrition during our actual relationship, I wondered during my two-hour, humid trek back across central London to bonny Peckham? Continue reading »

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Getting Berry Merry

Serious Eats

NYC peeps even drink seasonally. Off to make vodka with Jersey Royals.

Last week, while roaming through the Union Square greenmarket I spotted something that stopped me in my tracks. A giant jewel-like mound of bright red, almost translucent, sour cherries sat beneath a tent. Anyone who's familiar with cherries knows that the arrival of sour cherries means you better get them while you can, because before you know it they'll be out of season and you'll have a whole year to think about what you could've made. I've played that game one too many times, and immediately filled a bag with those little beauties.

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Serving Up Rough Justice

Wall Street Journal

Why Taiwanese food blogging is reserved for the brave.

Write a negative restaurant review, get labeled a criminal? That’s the situation a Taiwanese blogger finds herself facing after a court in the city of Taichung sentenced her to 30 days in detention for writing a critical review of a local restaurant.

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Gastro Porn

Fork In The Road

Food porn replaces real smut. But will slavering metrosexual men notice?

Peep World, the porn shop located near Madison Square Garden, is closing down to make way for a "very large gastropub." Counter in the East Village is sticking around longer than expected because the restaurant that is supposed to replace it, an East Village outpost of Empellon, is waiting for its liquor license.

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Eat Away At History

Image credit: The Northall

Tricky to get a side of old-fashioned charm with your ethically-sourced scallops at The Northall

When the rain comes down in London, it has a marvellous habit of washing away the present. The water drowns out crass modern shop fronts and their Victorian façades come into focus.

On one such night, the former 19th century Metropole hotel welcomed me like a grand old ship. Berthed on the corner of Whitehall Place, its arch-windowed nose pointing straight towards the Thames.

Tripping up the stone steps of the now ‘Corinthia Hotel’, my slightly damp face was ready for an evening of elegance. Continue reading »

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Wabbit Wabbit Wabbit

Luke Haines Outsider Music

Britpop's Luke Haines cooks up bunny wunnies.

Everything's 'underrated' now isn't it? Elvis Presley – used to be the King Of Pop, been dead for about a thousand years, hasn't had a hit in even longer. No one knows who he is. I carried out an experiment recently where I handed out pictures of 'Elvis' to total strangers on the street. Not one of the ten thousand people I spoke to recognised the former 'King of Pop.' So yeah, Elvis, totally underrated. I'll tell you what else is 'underrated' apart from Elvis, Stereolab, and Radiohead: Rabbit stew. Actually Rabbit isn't 'underrated' at all, rabbit is probably appreciated about as much as it deserves. It's all right, it's just not as nice as fillet steak. So, fucking rabbit stew. First things first. Off you go down to the bottom of the garden, to the wabbit hutch, where your five year old daughter's beloved bunny wunny lives. Sorry Mr Flopsy Mopsy, but you had it coming.

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American Man’s Guide to the Pronunciation of Scotches

Image credit: Esquire

This must get even more fun when combined with a tasting session.

Auchentoshan: AUK-en-TOSH-en
Bruichladdich: Brook-LADDY
Bunnahabhain: Boo-na-HAHB-en
The Balvenie: Bol-VAINNY

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Trading Blows

The Guardian

Once again we see the dangers of market forces on small food producers.

In recent years Borough Market in Southwark, London, has not always been attracting the right sort of press. Wrangles over leaseholds, rent increases and a climate of fear among traders have all had an airing in the national media. More recently still, seven long-term traders, myself included, were told they could no longer trade at the market. But what exactly had been our crime?

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A Palatable Truth

Image credit: Moti Mahal's trio of Chicken Tikka

Take off those Tiger beer goggles and reach for your curry-house wine menu.

Quirky food pairing evenings are often the last-chance saloon of food marketing. When naughty customers stubbornly refusing to drink/eat certain products in the way God (or the product’s CEO) intended, suddenly Old Speckled Hen Beer is super with turkey and Spaghetti Bolognese works better with beer.
But last Thursday, genial wine expert Tim Atkin achieved more stomach-settling results as he demonstrated that seared sesame-seeded scallops with coriander and tamarind might indeed work better with a grassy Grecian Santorini or gentle Austria Langenlois, than a bottle of Tiger. Continue reading »

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