Tag Archives: Evening Standard

Rather Rustic Romance

Fay Maschler, Evening Standard
The slogan: ‘Down In One Dining’ might attract the tourists…
“Faire chabrot” refers to pouring red wine into an almost finished bowl of soup, lifting it to the lips and enthusiastically draining the contents to the last drop. It is a tradition associated with south-west France and in this new Knightsbridge restaurant there is a picture of a moustachioed, horny-handed French peasant, large bottle tucked under his arm, full glass at the ready, loaf of crusty bread at his elbow, contentedly demonstrating the technique.
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The Men Who Ate The World

Evening Standard
Simon English brings a subject which we’d all rather ignore because life’s just too short…to life.
Two years ago there was a Christmas lunch in one of those trendy boutique hotels near Smithfield Market, a gathering of traders and others of ill repute with a collective urge to behave badly. The hedge fund guy sitting beside me was asked about his next plan for global domination. He’d done houses and gold – what was the new new thing? “Food,” he said between mouthfuls of lobster. “We’re piling into food. Weather’s getting weird, so there’ll be crop failures. There won’t be enough to go around.” His words turned out to be prophetic. Last week world food prices surged to a peak for the seventh month running, according to the United Nations. The bets were placed a while ago. Now it’s collection time.
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